At Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, a team of architectural specialists is standing by to receive your consultation in regards to building and place making . We await for any consultations related to other disaster prevention and disaster relief efforts. Please feel free to contact us to discuss collaborating with us for any potential project ranging from project planning to management, supervision, site assesment and research.
The following is an introduction to our organizations general response procedure toward disaster relief projects for your reference. We understand that your needs and circumstances are not necessarily the case described here. Please feel free to contact us as we will respond to your individual situation, needs and requests.

At Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, we manages everything from project planning to reporting to the project supporters after the project completion from the position of the supporter, architect, constructor, and our project clients to oversee the projects proceeding smoothly.

① Consultation
At Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, some of our projects are planned and carried out on our own, but we also seek specific project supporters in response to requests from people who need specific support from us.
On the other hand, individuals and companies who are looking to provide some assistance to those in need can reach us and together start the project from the planning stage.
Alliance partners with us could collectively raise money through vasious fundraising campaigns in the event of a disaster and use the funds to initiate the type of project they desire (eg, a sporting goods company seeking to support a sport-related project) We will carry out on-site surveys so that we can execute the project as requested.

② Fundraising
Immediately after the occurrence of the disaster, we will start various fundraising activities aimed at supporting the affected areas .
Companies and organizations considering fundraising to support the affected areas may like to consider a joint fundraising campaign with us.
* In principle, funds collected then will not be used for projects other than those that support the affected area. After the completion of all the projects, the remaining funds will be donated to the government of the affected area or consulting with the project partner, will be used for the organizations future activities.

③ Survey
We will review the progress of the emergency disaster response phase, and dispatch our staff when we consider it does not hinder the affected area. In the field assessment, we will assess the damage situation in the stricken area, build a relationship with the local government and architects, and understand the activities of other support groups. We will also investigate requests from individuals, companies, governments and organizations that need assistance.
If you have already signed an Alliance Partnership Agreement with us, we will conduct a site survey to seek out for any potential projects in the area for your desired project type (exercise facilities, eating and drinking, education, etc.). If you are conducting a fundraiser on your own and entrusting Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture to a project in a disaster relief area, please consult with us as soon as possible.

④Call for proposals
We will establish the project budget from the collected donations and government grants, set a maximum amount for each project, and widely call for project proposals. Typical period from the start of application to the deadline is 3 months.
* 1 In principle, the funds for our projects will be strictly allocated to expenses related to design, building and construction. Land acquisition and lease will not be permitted. Please submit proof of ownership of the support project site when submitting the proposal. Projects can be made on leased land, but the minimum lease period is 10 years.
* 2 For those who need it, our staff will help you prepare the proposal for submission. Please feel free to contact us. However, please note that we do not guarantee the success of the screening.

⑤ Selection
Based on our own criteria, we will select the projects that have the greatest need for our support and have the potential to contribute to the community for a long time. We will take into account the balance with the budget from the proposals submitted. In some cases, we will use most of our limited budget and complete one big project, but usually large projects have access to public funding and support, so at Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, we will likely decide to do several small projects with great community impacts. An agreement contract is signed with the selected project support partner.
* As our basic rule for project selection, we will prioritize those who cannot receive public funding or bank loans due to various circumstances.

⑥ Selection of Architect
If the architect and the design of the building are undecided for the selected project, Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture will assist in recommending and selecting an architect. As soon as an architect is selected, a three-party contract will be signed with the Architect, Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, and the support recipient. The building design phase will begin immediately after.

⑦ Design
For projects with a high degree of publicity, during the design phase, we will hold design workshops with the architect at the supporting project area to receive opinions from various perspectives to be implemented into the building design. Our staff will be present to support workshops and meetings with architects.

⑧ Selection of Contractor
As soon as the design is finished, we will select the contractor with the architect. The selection of contractor is made through public bidding process. From the basis of the purpose of this project, which utilizes donations for the specific purpose of supporting the affected areas, the policy is to preferentially select local contractors. This will secure an establishment of a support system after project completion. With careful consideration for the circumstances and situation of each project, and consulting with the architect, Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture will select a contractor and conclude a three-party contract with the support recipient and the contractor.

⑨ Construction
During the construction period, our staff will periodically visit the construction site together with the architect (and separately depending on the situation), to check the construction progress, and report it on our website. Our staff will also attend any meetings on site. Even if it is not necessary for the procedure, our staff, expert in the architectural field, will conduct an intermediate and completion inspection (one month after completion and handover), and after such strict inspection, the architect and constructor will receive the final payment.

⑩ Completion
After the project is completed, we will announce it on our website along with our sincere appreciation for the long support.
We will also individually report to those organizations, corporations, individuals who have directly commissioned the project to our organization.