Alliance of People for Common Cause
Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture (AHA) is a not-for-profit organization based in Sendai Japan, to help build a more sustainable future through an alliance of people from different professional backgrounds. Our core group consists of architects, and thus our disaster-related activities will be focused more in the field of architecture. But our operations will not be limited to them. Our organization will also actively advocate disaster awareness and preparation, as well as related educational activities and research.
Power of Humanity
Through our experiences supporting the recovery process of many communities after The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, is the amazing power of humanity. For our supported building or a place to be meaningful is for each person involved, i.e., the people helping, the people designing, people constructing (building), to have a collective will to make the world better. And most critical is for the disaster affected people who encounter such difficulty to have the same spirit and stand together. Therefore, it is essential for the person or community helped to be actively involved in the process.
And for any space or place to be interesting enough for anyone to feel they want to use it, and use it well with care requires good design. Such ideas are especially crucial during times of disaster and its recovery to overcome where budgets and other resources are limited and achieve the best results for everyone.
For example, those who are unable to support financially can help us find ways to gather donations or save on items. One can introduce us to someone who may have that knowledge or skills willing to help. Things that may seem small to you could ultimately help achieve our mission in many significant ways in the end.
Stay Informed on the Progress
It is sometimes difficult to follow where your donation went or what it was used. At Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, we will make extra effort to report on the progress of each project, explaining what stage the project currently stands. Also, we will strive to communicate, where the project is heading, and when it plans to move forward, so everyone involved can follow from the beginning of the project to the end.
Getting involved
We are always looking for partners and volunteers willing to work to together. For example, submission or discussion on ideas, supporting services, connecting us to other organizations, companies, sponsors, and people. We hope to connect and make the link of humanitarian aid bigger to reach out further, bigger, and better.
There are many ways you can participate and help by merely reaching out to us and say "How about this idea for this project?", "You can try this way," "I can help you with this," "How about asking this person for help?", "I will spread the word with my SNS." Anyone interested in joining us, please reach out to us, or register your information from our REGISTER page.
How is my donation used?
Our policy is to make the best effort for your contribution to go directly to the project helping the community. Although certain expenses will be needed to achieve the best result. We will continue to strive to be independent with our expenses by sales of our products and individual services. At the same time, we seek sponsors and help from companies and individuals who can help us cut expenses like printing, communications, transportation, overnight stay, and pieces of equipment.
Major cost items of Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture
1. Project costs (construction cost, design, and management fee)
2. Administration costs (Office and storage rent, printing, internet, and telecommunications)
3. Standard staff wage (no bonus), expenses (transportation, hotels during site assessment, etc.)
Ideas for non-financial ways of supporting our organization:
Donating construction materials and or services
Providing transportation for our staff
Providing places to stay for our staff
Donating pieces of equipment
The staff of Architecture for Humanitarian Architecture can not receive any bonus or retirement money of any kind. Any income we make will be used solely on our organization's activities and their projects.
For more information, please read our Articles of Organization below.

一般社団法人ヒトレンのロゴは合掌造りから発想を得ております。一つの傾く線をもう一つの線で支える形をしている漢字の「人」の姿を現し、より良い未来を願う「合掌」という言葉に加えて2, 30年に一度茅葺屋根を葺き替え際に地域の人が手伝う「結」の考えに呼応するヒトレンの精神と理念を表しております。

パパべコ ナナべコ コルべコ ネムべコ
ムムべコ べビべコ ママべコ ジジべコ ババべコ


Akinobu Yoshikawa
His interest in architecture started when he experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. After experiencing several natural and manmade disasters including the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, he later joined Architecture for Humanity and lead the architectural projects in Japan as Senior Design Fellow in their regional office in Japan. He hopes to establish such an organization based in Japan, working together with various groups and individuals establishing an active, responsive, and always creative organization to better support the resiliency of the communities and disaster recovery.

Taro Igarashi
An architecture critic and Professor at Tohoku University, Taro Igarashi was the Artistic Director of international exhibition"AICHI TRIENNALE 2013", Commissioner of Japanese pavilion VENICE ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE 2008, and Guest Curator of touring exhibition "ARCHITECTURE SINCE 3.11" among many others. He is also the author of many books including Minister of Education Award for Arts, "What I thought during walk around disaster area".

William Galloway
Project Assistant Professor, Keio University
After completing a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Manitoba in Canada, William worked for several years in the UK and in Japan as an architect before completing a PhD in urban planning at the University of Tokyo in 2008. In 2006 he co-founded the architectural practice, frontofficetokyo, which has won several awards including the International Architecture Award in 2012. Following the disaster in Tohoku in 2011 he was one of the founders of the Tokyo chapter of Architecture For Humanity. His field of expertise is sustainable architecture and urban planning as well as Design Thinking and research led design. Currently he is established at Keio University as faculty in the EDGE program.

Christian Dimmer
Senior Advisor
Christian Dimmer is the assistant professor of urban studies at Waseda University, Tokyo. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo on the intellectual history of public space in modern Japan. Christian served as JSPS post-doctoral fellow at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies of the University of Tokyo, where he examined the politics of public space in metropolitan Japan. He is the partner of the architectural practice Frontoffice Tokyo and co-founder of the civil society initiatives Open Architecture Collaborative Tokyo Chapter (former Architecture for Humanity), Tohoku Planning Forum, and Tokyo Transitions. In his research Christian looks into citizen urbanism projects and new urban commons, and their impact on community resilience.

Toyo Ito
Senior Advisor
Born in 1941. Graduated from Tokyo University Department of Engineering, School of Architecture in 1965. His work includes "Sendai Mediatheque", "Minna no Mori Gifu Cosmos" and "Taichung Opera House" (Taiwan). Recipient of the 2013 Pritzker Prize.

Liz Maly
Liz Maly is an Assistant Professor at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University. From the United States, her architectural background includes a Masters of Architecture from the University of Washington-Seattle and Ph.D. in Architecture from Kobe University. With the theme “People-Centered Housing Recovery,” her research focuses on post-disaster housing reconstruction and community-based recovery planning. Her past and current research in the U.S., Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan looks at how housing recovery policies and their implementation can better support local residents and communities for their life and livelihood recovery.
South America Office

Claudia Oliva
Executive Director
Architect graduated from the University of Chile in 2013, now completing a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Catholic University of Chile, PUC. She also spent a year as a Research Student in the Laboratory of Professor Taro Igarashi at Tohoku University, Japan.
Her research interests are mainly related to topics of the role of memory and social interactions during processes of reconstruction after natural disasters, trying to explore and define the importance of intangible matters when facing these kinds of situations. She has also developed artistic production related to the same topics, mainly through the use of photography, embroidery and the reinterpretation of Japanese traditional handcrafting techniques.
She’s also an Assistant Teacher at the University of Chile, in the Design Studio topic.

Sebastian Laclabere
Architect graduated from the University of Chile in 2011, also holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering, specialized in Urban Design in the Laboratory of Professor Toshikazu Ishida at Tohoku University, Japan.
His research interests relate to architecture and design response to natural disaster events, both from a preparation and response viewpoint. He’s particularly interested in the role of public spaces and communal spaces in such events, as a way to decompress private spaces and their users.
He's an Associate Professor at the University of Santiago de Chile, USACH, School of Architecture where he teaches about architecture and natural disasters.

Rodrigo Aguilar
Architect graduated from the University of Chile (1998) and also holds a Master’s Degree in Art, Architecture and City History from the ETSAB, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña in Barcelona, Spain. (2001)
He’s an Associate Professor at both the University of Chile and the University of Santiago de Chile, USACH, where he’s specialized in Design Studio and Architectural Theory courses. Since 2019 he’s the Head of the Architecture School at the University of Santiago de Chile, USACH.
He’s the head of a private architecture studio that develops both private and public projects, with a particular emphasis on public use architecture, heritage recovery, and an environmental design focus. His work has been published in Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Spain, and Italy, both in print and exhibition formats.

Diego Sanchez
Field Coordinator
Architect, graduated from the Universidad de Chile in 2013, specialized since his undergraduate years in the study and design of social housing projects, starting from the basic premise of Self-produced social habitat as a response to a series of problems derived from the extreme expansion of Chilean cities in the last few decades.
Since 2012 he works as a member of "Habitar Colectivo" a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing urban and architectural projects using methodologies of social participation with local communities. In 2010 he was part of the teams of coordination and help to work in earthquake-affected areas after the 27F earthquake in central Chile. During 2015-2016 he also spent a season working in Kenya, mainly in landscape and social projects.
Chapter 1
General Provisions
Article 1
This organization is referred to as HITOREN (Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, hereinafter referred to as "Organization").
Article 2
The Organization will place its principal office in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Chapter 2
Purpose and Business
Article 3
Through the power of design, the Organization supports the reconstruction of local communities, including disaster areas around the world, and the development of living environment. It aims to contribute to the development of vital and attractive sustainable society.
Article 4
1. The Organization shall carry out the following projects in order to achieve the object of the preceding article.
(1) Providing supporting facilities and space for exchange and communication for the victims of natural disasters
(2) Assistance to natural disasters, etc., affected organizations and individuals
(3) Providing supplies and materials etc. necessary for the improvement of living environment and empowerment of independent recovery for each disaster victims
(4) Training and dispatching experts to promote improvement of living environment and independent development
(5) Collaboration with individuals or organizations that are working to promote the living environment around the world and to promote independent development
(6) Planning and management of events, exhibitions, seminars, lectures and various classes
(7) Awareness raising and public relations for the projects in the preceding items
(8) Other businesses necessary for achieving the objectives of the organization
2. The project set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be carried out not only throughout Japan but all over the world.
Chapter 3
(Organization members)
Article 5
1. The following members shall be placed in the organization.
(1) Regular Member: Individuals or corporations who joined the organization in favor of the activities of the organization
(2) Supporting Member: Individuals or corporations that joined the organization and joined the activities of the organization
2. The member of the preceding paragraph shall be a regular member and shall be an employee on a general incorporated organization or a general incorporated foundation (hereinafter referred to as "corporate law").
Article 6
1. Those who intend to join as regular member shall apply to the Board of Directors by the application form for membership specified separately by the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors shall, unless there is a justifiable reason, must approve admission.
2. The Board of Directors shall promptly notify the applicant to that effect with a written letter with reasons when not admitting the admission of the items set forth in the preceding paragraph.
3. Those who intend to join as a supporting member can become a member by paying annual fee.
(Membership fee)
Article 7
1. Regular members shall allocate to the expenses ordinarily incurred in the Organizations activities and business operations of the Organization at the time of becoming a member and annually at the annual meeting,
In accordance with the membership fee provision, it is obliged to pay admission fee and membership fee.
2. In order to devote to the expenses ordinarily incurred in the Organizations activities and business operations of the Organization, Supporting Member shall, in accordance with the admission fee and membership fee provision specified at the annual meeting every year have an obligation to pay the membership fee.
(Removal of membership)
Article 8
If a member falls under any of the following items, it shall lose its qualification.
(1) When submitting a notification of withdrawal
(2) When the member dies or found missing or a member's group dissolves
(3) When we have delinquent membership fee for one year or more continuously
(4) When expelled
Article 9
Members may withdraw voluntarily by submitting a notice of withdrawal specified by the board to the representative director
Article 10
1. If a member falls under any of the following items, it may be expelled based on receiving more than two-thirds of the votes of members who attended at the general meeting.
(1) When it violates the articles or regulation of the Organization
(2) When the member discredits the Organization or acts contrary to the purpose of this Organization
2. In the case of expelling a member pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall notify the said member in advance and give the member an opportunity of defense before the vote.
Article 11
The membership fee and other contribution money already delivered will not be refunded.
Chapter 4
Article 12
The following directors shall be placed at the Organization.
(1) Number of directors more than 3 and less than 10
(2) 1 auditor
(3) One of the directors shall be the representative director.
Article 13
1. Directors and auditors shall be appointed at the general assembly.
2. The representative director shall be decided by mutual election of the directors.
3. Among the directors, each spouse or his / her relatives within the third degree of association should not be included beyond one third of the total number of directors.
4. An auditor cannot concurrently serve as a director or a staff of this Organization.
Article 14
1. The representative director shall represent this Organization and supervise its operations.
2. The directors shall constitute the Board of Directors and shall enforce the duties based on the provisions of the articles of the organization and the votes of the Board of Directors.
3. Auditors shall perform the following duties.
(1) Audit the status of executing directors' duties
(2) Audit the status of the property of the Organization
(3) As a result of the audit under the provisions of the preceding two items, that there were serious acts in violation of laws and regulations or the Articles of the Organization regarding the work or property of the Organization were discovered, will be reported to the General Assembly or the applicable authority
(4) Assemble the general assembly if it is necessary to make a report in the previous issue
(5) To state opinions on the execution of the operation or the status of the assets of the Organization to the directors, or request assembly of the board of directors.
(Term and Vacancies)
Article 15
1. The term of office shall be two years. However, it does not prevent re-appointment.
2. The term of office of executive officers appointed by substitution or addition shall be the remaining term of the predecessor or other incumbent regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3. Even after resignation or term of office, officers shall perform their duties until the successor becomes in office.
4. In the case of a director or auditor who lacks more than one-third of its constants, it must be replenished without delay.
Article 16
When a director falls under any of the following items, it is possible to dismiss this director through a resolution of two-thirds or more of the total number of full members at the general meeting. In this case, the opportunity of defense must be provided to that director before deciding.
(1) When it is deemed not to endure the performance of duties due to the lack of his/her mental and/or physical state
(2) When it is deemed that there is a violation of duty and other acts not appropriate as a director
Article 17
1. Directors shall be without compensation.
2. Regardless of the preceding paragraph, the directors may be compensated for the expenses required to execute the duties.
3. Matters necessary for the preceding two paragraphs shall be determined separately by the executive board after resolution of the general assembly.
Chapter 5
General Assembly
Article 18
General assembly of the Organization shall be general meetings and extraordinary general meetings.
(Organization of General Meeting)
Article 19
The General Assembly shall consist of regular members.
(Authority of the General Assembly)
Article 20
The General Assembly shall decide the following matters.
(1) Change in the articles of Organization
(2) Merger and dissolution
(3) Business plan, income and expenditure, budget and its changes
(4) Business report and account settlement
(5) Appointment and dismissal of members, duties and compensation
(6) Membership fees
(7) Other important matters concerning operation
(Holding of general meeting)
Article 21
1. The general meeting shall be held once every year, within three months after the end of each business year.
2. An extraordinary general meeting shall be held when it falls under any of the following items.
(1) When the Board of Directors deems it necessary and makes a request for convocation
(2) If there is a request for calling up with a document stating the objective of the meeting from more than one fifth of the regular members
(3) In the event that an auditor convenes pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 3, item 4
(Convocation of general meeting)
Article 22
The General Assembly shall be convened by the Representative Director except in the case of paragraph 2, item 3 of the preceding article.
2. When there is a request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2, item 2 of the preceding article, the representative director shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within 21 days from that date.
3. In the case of calling up the General Assembly, a notification 7 days prior to the date of the meeting must be sent, with a document showing the contents of the date, time, place, purpose and deliberation matter of the meeting.
(Chairman of the General Assembly)
Article 23
1. The representative director is the chairman of the general meeting.
2. When the Representative Director is in charge or there is an accident, at the General Assembly, elect from among the regular members who attend.
(Voting Rights)
Article 24
The number of voting rights at the General Meeting shall be one per member.
(General Assembly resolution)
Article 25
1. Matters to be resolved at the General Assembly shall be matters notified in advance pursuant to the provision of Article 22, Paragraph 3. Provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the agenda is urgent and the consent of two-thirds or more of the regular members present has been agreed.
2. Proceedings of the General Assembly shall be decided by a majority of the regular members who attended in addition to those separately prescribed in these Articles of Organization and shall be decided by the Chairman if equal or unchanged.
3. Regular members who have special interests regarding the resolution of the General Assembly cannot participate in the voting of the proceedings.
(Written voting at the general meeting)
Article 26
1. The voting rights of each regular member shall be equal.
2. Regular members who do not attend the General Assembly due to unavoidable reasons may vote in writing about the matters notified in advance or may delegate voting with other regular members as proxies.
3. Regular members who voted according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the application of the provisions of the preceding two Articles and the following Article 1 paragraph.
(Minutes of the General Meeting)
Article 27
1. With regard to the proceedings of the General Assembly, the minutes shall be prepared stating the following matters.
(1) Date, time and location
(2) Total number of full members and number of attendees (If there is a document voter or a voting delegate, add the number thereof.)
(3) Items to be discussed
(4) Outline of the progress of the proceedings and the result of the resolution
(5) Matters concerning the election of the minutes signatory
2. In the minutes, two or more minutes signatory elected at the meeting from among the chairperson and the attending regular members shall sign and seal or sign.
Chapter 6
Board of Directors
Article 28 The Board of Directors shall consist of Directors.
Article 29
In addition to what is provided for in these articles of Organization, the Board of Directors shall decide the following matters.
(1) Matters to be submitted to the general meeting
(2) Matters concerning the execution of matters voted by the general meeting
(3) Other matters concerning the execution of operations that do not require a resolution of the general meeting
Article 31
1. The Council shall be convened by the Representative Director.
2. The representative director shall convene the Board of Directors within 14 days from the day when there is a request pursuant to the provisions of Items 2 and 3 of the preceding article.
3. When calling the Board of Directors, it shall notify at least five days before the date of the meeting, in writing with the date and time, place, purpose and deliberation items of the meeting.
Article 32
The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the representative director.
Article 33
1. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority of the directors who attended and, in the case of equal number of votes, by the chairman.
2. The Board of Directors may vote only on matters notified in advance pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph 3. However, this is not the case if the agenda is urgent and the consent of two-thirds or more of the attending directors has been made.
3. A director having a special interest in the Board's resolution cannot participate in the vote of the proceedings.
(Written Votes)
Article 35
1. The voting rights of each director shall be equal.
2. Directors who are forced to attend the Board of Directors may vote in writing with regard to matters notified in advance.
3. The director voted according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the Board of Directors with regard to the summary set forth in the preceding Article and Article 1 paragraph 1.
Article 36
1. With regard to the proceedings of the Board of Directors, a minutes shall be prepared stating the following matters.
(1) Date, time and location
(2) Total number of directors, number of attendees and names of attendees (For written voters, state that fact)
(3) Items to be discussed
(4) Outline of the progress of the proceedings and the result of the resolution
(5) Matters concerning the election of the minutes signatory
2. In the minutes, two chairpersons and two signatory persons appointed at the board of directors who attended shall sign, seal or sign.
3. Minutes prepared pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 shall be placed in the principal office for ten years.
Chapter 7
Assets and Accounting
(Structure of Assets)
Article 37
The assets of the Organization shall consist of the following items.
(1) Asset listed in the property inventory at the time of establishment
(2) Membership fee
(3) Donation money
(4) Revenue from business
(5) Revenues arising from property
(6) Other income
(Management of assets)
Article 38
The assets of the Organization are managed by the representative director, and the method of management is decided separately by the representative director after voting by the Board of Directors.
(Payment of expenses)
Article 39
The expenses of this Organization shall be paid with assets.
(Business plan and budget)
Article 40
The business plan of the Organization and the income and expenditure budget accompanying it shall be prepared by the Board of Directors and passed through a resolution of the General Assembly.
(Provisional budget)
Article 41
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, if the budget is not established due to unavoidable reasons, the representative director may pay the income according to the budget of the preceding fiscal year through the decision of the executive board until the date of the budget establishment.
2. Revenue expenditure in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be revenue expenditure of newly established budget.
(Business Report and Settlement)
Article 42
1. With regard to the business report and settlement of the Organization, within three months after the end of each business year, the Representative Director prepares the following documents, receives the audit of the auditors, after approval of the Board of Directors Submit it to the annual meeting, report the contents of No. 1 and No. 2 documents, and must receive approval to the documents from No. 3 to No. 6.
(1) Business report
(2) Supplementary schedule of business report
(3) Balance sheet
(4) Income Statement (Net Property Increase / Decrease Statement)
(5) Attached certificate of balance sheet and income statement (calculation of increase / decrease of net property)
(6) Property inventory
2. In addition to the documents reported or approved pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, the following documents shall be placed in the main office for 5 years and used for public inspection.
(1) Audit report
(2) List of directors and auditors
3. The articles of incorporation and membership list shall be prepared in the main office and shall be used for general inspection.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, of the entries of the directors and auditors, and the entries in the membership list, personal addresses shall not be used for general inspection.
5. The balance sheet must be advertised without delay after the conclusion of the annual regular meeting.
(Disposal of Surplus)
Article 43
When surplus is generated in the settlement of the Organization, it shall be carried over to the next business year.
(Business year)
Article 44
The business year of the Organization starts on April 1 every year and ends on March 31 of the following year.
Chapter 8
Changes to the Articles of Incorporation, Dissolution
(Change of Articles of Incorporation)
Article 45
1. When amending these Articles of Organization, after two-thirds or more of the votes of the regular members attending the General Assembly and excluding minor matters stipulated in Article 25, Paragraph 3 of the Specified Nonprofit Activity Promotion Act It must obtain the certification of the competent authority.
(Dissolution and merger)
Article 46
The Organization shall be dissolved due to the following reasons.
(1) Resolution of the General Assembly
(2) Impossibility of successful business of the targeted specified nonprofit activities
(3) Lack of regular members
(4) Merger
(5) Bankruptcy
(6) Cancellation of certification by the authority
2. In the case of dissolution under the provision of item 1 of the preceding paragraph, it shall obtain a vote of two-thirds or more of the full members present at the general meeting.
3. In the case of dissolution under the provision of paragraph 1 item 2, it shall obtain the certification of the competent authority
4. In the case of merger pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, item 4, it must obtain more than two-thirds of the regular members present at the general meeting and also obtain the approval of the authority.
(Residue property)
Article 47
The residual assets that the Organization will have at the time of dissolution shall be donated to a specified nonprofit organization in Japan that has the same purpose as this corporation determined by a majority of the regular members present at the General Assembly. However, dissolution due to merger or bankruptcy is excluded.
(Method of Public Notice)
Article 48
The public notice of the Organization shall be made by electronically.
2. If the Organization cannot fulfill the electronic public notice of the preceding paragraph due to accident or other unavoidable reason, it will be posted in the Official Gazette
Chapter 9
Miscellaneous Provisions
(Other provisions)
Article 49
The detailed rules necessary for the implementation of these articles of Organization shall be determined separately by the representative director after resolution of the Board of Directors.
Supplementary Provisions
1. The articles of Organization shall come into effect as from the day the Organization is formed under the jurisdiction.
2. Regardless of the provisions of Article 13, paragraphs 1 and 2, the board of directors at the time of the establishment of the Organization shall be the following persons. Directors; William Galloway, Taro Igarashi, Christian Dimmer, Akinobu Yoshikawa, Auditor; Noriko Nukui
3. Regardless of the provisions of Article 40, the business plan, income and expenditure budget for the business year at the beginning of the establishment of the Organization shall be as determined by the Organizational Meeting.
4. Notwithstanding the provision of Article 7, the membership fee at the time of the establishment of this corporation shall be as follows.
Regular members' annual membership fee 20,000 yen
Affiliated members annual membership fee 50,000 yen
Information member annual membership fee 7,000 yen/share (individual), 15,000 yen/share (group)
*This is an English translation of the articles of organization from the original for reference only. All contents noted here do not proceed the original Japanese version.